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It is a pleasure to provide reference to the quality and innovation of the architectural design and consultancy of Patrick Ng and StrataPNA. On behalf of a school that has recently completed the Victorian government schools' Building Futures process in collaboration withPatrick Ng, we are now enjoying the benefits of his research and vision. As one of Patrick's first school designs, our experience highlights one of StrataPNA's strengths: its thorough research into contemporary and innovative designs associated with the domain of the client's core business. Patrick explored examples of best practice in education and highlighted a range of practical materials, purposeful and tasteful colour palettes and quality furniture and fittings to support our ambition for flexible learning spaces. The design elements evident in the new facilities for North Shore Primary School indicate StrataPNA's ability to listen to the needs of the client and their knowledge on how to optimize the Department of Education and Early Childhood's entitlements of space and budget. Creative spaces throughout the design encourage modern pedagogy and can adapt to different purposes, group sizes, technologies and configurations that include indoor/outdoor combinations. Patrick's extensive knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of furniture, fittings and learning spaces has ensured that we have been greatly satisfied by his recommendations and designs. Finally, in what has generated great praise, StrataPNA's ability to create a design that is practical, contemporary and complementary to the history and look of the 1926 schoolhouse and 1970's hall that are incorporated in the revamped school is to be applauded. Whilst the themes of colour and materials help the flow within the buildings, restoration of old facilities enable the pride our community holds for the school to be both nostalgic and appreciated. I would recommend that StrataPNA be considered for design and consultancy within your tendering process if your ambition is to achieve a contemporary design that reflects your community's needs and desires. StrataPNA displays great flexibility and advocacy and maintain ongoing contact to remain accessible throughout the project.
Ken Massari Principal
We have worked with StrataPNA Architects for more than fifteen years on many Police Station projects ranging from site feasibilities, business plan assessments, refurbishments and upgrades. Most recently they have completed the designs for the new Melbourne North and Ararat Police Stations. What's always been impressive and refreshing about StrataPNA is their knowledge and understanding of the business of policing. As a result, we have some wonderfully good operational police stations.
The amount of research StrataPNA does ensures the design meets the operational needs for all stakeholders. They are attentive to anecdotal briefings and responsive to the ideas raised through their excellent consultation processes with a wide variety of Police Station stakeholders, including community users. StrataPNA ensures the contributions and ideas are valued as can be seen when they become part and parcel of all new station designs.
Police Station design is a serious business and working with the whole StrataPNA team is a happy and enjoyable experience. With StrataPNA I have a consulting firm I can trust and rely on implicitly. I know the work will be done, is correct and the concept and design is able to be left in capable hands.
Due to StrataPNA Architect's quality management systems, we save both time and money because we don't have a lot of burnt or wasted work. Drawings don't need to be revised and architectural drawings are coordinated with building engineering services. One of the most gratifying aspects about working with StrataPNA Architects is the unsolicited favourable feedback that comes my way. They get compliments from the end users on every job. The end users are my clients and that means StrataPNA makes me look good! There is so much about the way StrataPNA go about their business that makes them easy to recommend. If your need is for reliable, attentive and responsive consulting architects who produce great working drawings, StrataPNA Architects are the ones you want on your team.
Bruce Crowe Manager – Capital Works, Victoria Police,
Flinders Street, Melbourne, Vic 3005
We were required to review the Melbourne Metropolitan fire station brigade design guide and we selected StrataPNA Architects to conduct this review. They were selected for two main reasons. Firstly, StrataPNA had completed a number of public buildings e.g. Country Fire Authority and Victoria Police. Secondly, the process described in the Strata PNA proposal was the best example of providing the desired outcome on every aspect.
The way StrataPNA Architects operate is what makes their design review process so successful. They engaged and consulted with the fire fighters and key stakeholders through to the CEO to find out what their needs were. They got an entire organisational perspective so the design would meet their requirements. This included consulting with the unions to ensure their criteria are met. In short, I think their whole process was a great success.
Once the quote was approved, a project steering committee was developed and included representation for the operations, OHS, unions and wide representation of all users. Everyone worked together really well and their involvement was clearly valued by StrataPNA. As a result, morale and confidence is high because of the level and the depth of the consultation process. StrataPNA Architects are methodical in their approach which is a planned process to achieve the end result and meet our needs.
One of the aspects I particularly like about working with StrataPNA Architects is that we can work directly with the director Patrick Ng which ensures the relationship is immediate and strong. Continuity is important to obtain consistency throughout the project and trust is of paramount importance. Having worked with Patrick and the competent team at StrataPNA, I know I can trust them to do a thorough job. I believe we have a really good relationship with them and as such we have invited Strata PNA Architects to tender for the design of our first Fire Station based on the new design guides.
Brian Hardy Manager Land Acquisitions & New Buildings
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, East Melbourne, VIC 3002
I am happy to talk about Strata PNA Architects on the basis of my experience in working with them over many years. They have consistently demonstrated professionalism, reliability and trustworthiness. There are no issues with their documentation which is thorough and variations are seldom required.
They work co-operatively and consultatively with us, with the relationship being an important approach to the way they operate. There are always issues in this kind of work however Strata PNA resolve these immediately and professionally. Their service is consistent and their collaborative approach ensures teamwork and underpins the professional relationship which is based on mutual respect.
They are a highly professional office with a successful track record in delivering projects and that provides the foundation for my confidence. They stick to agreements, budgets and meet timeframes according to our requirements.
Patrick Ng, the director of Strata PNA takes responsibility for the project and I know I am going to get the benefit of working with Strata PNA as our primary team who will see a project through from beginning to end.
Georgia Fine Executive Manager, Building & Property Department,
Country Fire Authority, VIC 3151
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